Vendor: EkoArt Market

Eyo Oniko: The Dispeller of Evil

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Regular price ₦120,000.00 NGN Sale price ₦120,000.00 NGN
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Eyo Oniko: The Dispeller of Evil

The Eyo are believed to be related to

departed souls, who move through Lagos to

cleanse it of evil and pray for its continued

prosperity and peaceful coexistence,

The Eyo Oniko was first introduced to Lagos

by relatives of an Idumota trader known as

Olugbani, due to its perceived spiritual

powers. It was believed that the Oniko could

ward off evil spirits and forces along its


Adorned with vivid yellow, wide-brimmed

hats, the Eyo Oniko holds a revered place as

the third among senior Eyo conclaves and is

recognized as the dispeller of evil.

Today, descendants of the royal household

of the Onigemo lineage, are entrusted as

the keepers/custodians of the Orisa Oniko,

hence the masquerade's alias "Egun


Size : H- 16.5cm x W - 15.2cm




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